Sexual performance is based on a number of different factors. Sex drive, technique, comfort, confidence and physical fitness all come into play. Each of these can affect overall sexual performance on a number of levels, including the strength of your erection. Improving overall health through diet and exercise can help, but there are other steps men can take to improve performance, stamina and erection strength. Here, we’ve rounded up seven steps you can take – starting today – to help in getting you last longer tonight.
1. Eat This, Not That. Unless you’ve been living under a rock somewhere, you know that eating clean, whole foods is better for you than hitting the drive-thru after work. While we all know the health benefits in terms of improving heart health or fighting obesity, picking pant based foods over heavy dairy and meat dishes can also help between the sheets. A healthy diet improves circulation, muscle tone and cardiovascular health, each of which contributes directly to the health of an erection.
2. Take the Stairs and Get Outside. Getting fit and encouraging better blood flow is about exercise as well as a good diet. Make getting outside a part of your routine instead of only kitting the gym, however. Although all exercise helps to promote physical fitness, exercise outdoors also encourages vitamin D production as well as other chemicals which can help in the natural treatment of depression. Including any sort of group activity or team sports as a part of your workout routine gives you a bonus boost of the body’s natural feel good chemicals.
3. Turn Off the Porn. There’s nothing wrong with having your stash, but relying on pornography too frequently can leave you lacking when it’s time for the real thing. Including pornography and masturbation as a part of your sex play is one thing, but going solo too often can get you out of that groove with your partner. Masturbation can be a healthy part of your sex life as well and completely abstaining once in awhile can lead to harder erections and more powerful orgasms.
4. Have Sex More Often. Indulging in porn and solo play may sap your energy and strength, but having sex more often can have the opposite effect. Indulging in sex more frequently increases the amount of that infamous male hormone, testosterone, produced by the body. Testosterone controls a lot of manly things from your body hair to your voice, but it also influences the strength of your erections. More testosterone means harder erections that last longer.
5. Play to Your Strengths. How you position yourself during sex can affect how strong your erection is for penetration. Positions where you’re on top offer more control and deeper penetration which encouraging greater blood flow to the groin. Both the missionary position and doggy style are ideal for better thrust control and increased blood flow. These positions provide great thrusting ability, especially if you tone up your abs.
6. Play Safe. When sending a message about safe sex, most people assume it’s about using condoms. But for men, playing it safe also means avoiding injury to the penis. Risky sex includes sex where you’re both standing up, positions where you can fall or any sexual position or behavior that could result in you hitting your penis against something. A painful immediate injury is bad enough, but this kind of repeated injury could also result in the formation of scar tissue within the penis. This condition, known as Peyrione’s Disease, shortens the penis and affects sexual pleasure.
7. Do Your Kegels. Kegel exercises are well known by women but men are finally beginning to see their benefit as well. To perform Kegel exercises simply pretend that you’re stopping the flow of urine mid-stream. Hold the muscle contraction for a few seconds, relax and repeat in sets of 10. They can be done anywhere, any time and can give men harder erections thanks to increased blood flow. In addition to harder erections it can also give men better thrusting ability and enhanced orgasm control.