Issues with sexual performance have been a problem since the dawn of recorded human history. Medical and cultural texts dating back thousands of years point to problems men have had with erections, stamina and virility as being an important issue and medical condition across every country, culture and civilization. Among all the issues which can come up in regard to sexual performance, premature ejaculation is one of the most common. Considering how common the condition is, some evolutionary scientists have begun to investigate whether or not the condition was initially the result of an evolutionary quirk.
Survival of the Quickest?
Throughout history, humans have needed to be able to adapt. Whether it was adapting to a new climate, a change in hunting conditions or adapting to the rise and change of culture. One of the biggest adaptations humans have made has to do with sexuality and procreation. Humans, like a few other animals, have sex not only to advance their species, but also for their personal enjoyment. As a result, human sexuality has evolved along a number of different paths.
In the beginning, however, early humans probably only had one big focus when it came to sex – spreading their gene by fathering many children. Premature ejaculation is thought to be a reflection of that earl, primal desire to be able to copulate many times, as quickly as possible. Being able to achieve an erection and then ejaculate quickly would mean that a man could have sex with multiple partners over the course of a day, a week, a month or a lifetime. When viewed in this light, premature ejaculation is an evolutionary advantage. It would allow a man to spread his genes through to more women and, as a result, father more children.
This theory has become the focus of a number of different studies and offers some insight into the origins of this condition as well as some insight into how treatable it may be. For men who have always had issues with early ejaculation, these studies may offer some insight into why treatment for them has been so difficult as well as highlighting options which may offer a greater level of success.
Outsmarting Evolutionary Theory
Treating sexual issues such as premature ejaculation often involves some sort of therapy as tress and emotional upheaval are often the root cause. However, if the roots of early ejaculation may be tied to a part of our evolutionary history, for some men therapeutic options may not have the same success rate. It may also help some men to get in touch with their own more primal tendencies and resolve deeply seated issues which may be the cause of bringing it to the fore.
Many companies have begun to research and develop options for over the counter or pharmaceutical options in order to delay ejaculation. The most common option currently on the market is a topical cream which essentially desensitizes the penis so that it can’t be stimulated too intensely or too quickly, this prolonging the sex act. This treatment works for most men simply because it deals with the problem on a physical level. This does not, however, mean that using these creams can resolve underlying causes of the condition, which should still be explored in order to achieve a long-term solution.
Understanding the role early ejaculation may have played over the course of our evolution can offer insight into why it’s so common and why some men seem to be more prone to developing the condition throughout their lives. Although there may be a strong connection between premature ejaculation and evolution, that doesn’t mean it can’t be treated. As new options are developed, researchers are better able to pinpoint ways in which ejaculation can be delayed either through physical devices, medicinal options or even more focused therapy or stress-release techniques. Understanding its evolutionary history also gives us the knowledge that men struggling today are not alone. Not only has premature ejaculation affected millions of men all over the world, it’s been a part of human history since our earliest ancestors.